Today is DigitalGov’s third birthday and over the last three years, we’ve achieved so much—many thanks to you and your feedback. We’ve publi
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The latest news and events from DigitalGov, the government-wide platform that brings together thousands of federal innovators to share stories and solutions. 
Note— DigitalGov's host is being migrated to a new service. All content (article posts, Resources, Services, Communities, Open OpportunitiesContact Usetc.) will remain up for you to view and use. New DGU Events for February and March 2017 are listed below. 
We expect to resume publishing on next weekstay tuned!

Our Work
DigitalGov is Three Years Old
02/14/2017 03:00 PM EST
Today is DigitalGov’s third birthday and over the last three years, we’ve achieved so much—many thanks to you and your feedback.

We’ve published more than 1,000 articles, which have been seen by over 800,000 people resulting in over 2.4 million page views. Our tens of thousands of daily and weekly newsletter subscribers represent every branch and agency in the U.S. government, as well as state and local governments. DigitalGov is also a key source of digital innovation information for governments big and small around the world.

Our communities unite federal teams with nearly 10,000 memberships across 16 active mission areas, including: mobile development, open data and innovation, social technologies, agile/lean, and customer experience.

In December, DigitalGov was included in FedTech Magazine’s annual list of 50 must-read federal IT blogs for the second year in a row.

The past year saw many launches, including:

  1. The U.S. Digital Registry, which improved performance reporting, data analysis and accessibility of public services across platforms;
  2. The website, which is the central hub for citizen science and crowd-sourcing projects across the federal space
  3. The Challenges and Prizes Toolkit, the comprehensive guide to prize competitions for federal employees at every level;
  4. And 5 new communities — Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science, Agile/Lean, Digital Audio/Video, Virtual/Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence for Citizen Services— bringing the current number of communities up to 16!


  1. By the end of our first year, we had published more than 480 articles, including some of our most popular articles to date which cover metrics and customer service.
  2. Based on feedback from its community, MobileGov released six Mobile User Experience Guidelines, distilling the 42 previously issued.
  3. The Challenges and Prizes Community celebrated the 5th anniversary of, and the nearly 500 challenges launched.
  4. In 2015, our session traffic nearly doubled and our weekly and daily email subscribers increased by 15%.
  5. DigitalGov was also named as a 2015 must-read blog by FedTech magazine, which is due to the great contributions from our many guest authors.


  1. launched Feb. 14, 2014, with an article on the importance of social media engagement between agencies, not just with the public, by Dorothy Amatucci of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  2. Our visitors liked what they read, as our returning visitors rose to 30%, according to stats from the Digital Analytics Program, which provides web metrics and other resources to federal agencies.
  3. Facebook used one of our community-driven products, the  U.S. Digital Registry, to verify 1,000 agency accounts.
  4. Six months in, we had articles written by more than 40 digital government innovators who worked in agencies other than GSA, including our first weekly column, Mobile’s Trends on Tuesdays.

We have big year ahead of us on DigitalGov and would very much like to hear from you. Send us an email and let us know how DigitalGov has helped you or how we can better serve you going forward.

You can also submit a blog post or suggest an idea for one; see our guidelines.

Participants must be federal employees with .gov or .mil email addresses, and clear their participation with their boss. Questions or comments can be added to the bottom of each opportunity.


DigitalGov University (DGU) is the Events Platform for DigitalGov. DGU provides programming to build and accelerate digital capacity by providing webinars and in-person events highlighting innovations, case studies, tools, and resources. If you’d like to find out how to create an online or in-person DGU event, or partner with them on your own event, please contact the team via email. Read the team's latest blog post, DigitalGov University in Review: 2016 Training Trends. 

Upcoming Events

February 15 (2pm - 3pmDAP Learning Series: Tag Managers & Your Analytics (webinar)
February 17 (9am - 1pm) - Craft a Persuasive Message (in-person)

February 21 (2pm - 4pm) - Build Effective Slides (virtual training)
February 22 (2pm - 3pm) - i14y Part 1 (webinar)

February 23 (9am - 12pm) - Visualize Data Effectively (in-person)

February 28March 7, & March 14 - Introduction to Project Management (3 part, virtual)
March (Date: TBD) - Design Thinking Immersion/ Human Centered Design (in-person & virtual)
Join Carrie Sue Casey and Chris Cardigan from US Army, OSD to learn the fundamentals of Human Centered Design/Design Thinking Immersion. Human centered design is a creative and strategic approach to problem solving. In this training you will learn how to break down complex issues to understand their root cause, putting the people in the center of the process, all while making and testing prototypes of solutions that address real world problems. 
March 1 (2pm - 3pm)  i14y Part 2 (webinar)
March 2 (1pm - 4pm) - Visualize Data Effectively (virtual training)
March 8 (2pm - 3pm) - Write Effective Emails (webinar)
March 14 (9am - 12pm) - March Challenge & Prize Community of Practice Meeting (in-person & virtual)
March 16 2pm - 3pm ET DAP Learning Series: Measuring Your Mobile Users (webinar)

March 22 (9am - 5pm) - Introduction to Human-centered Design (in-person)

March 24 (9am - 5:30pm) - Introduction to Project Management (in-person)

March 28 (9:30am - 11:30am) - Build Effective Slides (in-person)

March 31 (9am - 5pm) - Introduction to Agile and Scrum Team Training (in-person)
